Still cold but that migraine in my head confirms the forecast for Tuesday. Looking forward to skipping the longjohns… #stillcold #staywarm #winter #winterinyyc #yycliving
-27 C + almost boiling water from a thermos = snow #dubakchallenge #winterfun #winterinyyc #winter #yyc #yycliving #cold #staywarm
-26 degrees are the right time to up your pho game and try out a new recipe: Spicy beef sate pho. Oh my goth, soup heaven just opened its doors… #spicybeefsatepho #pho #imayhavetobragaboutmyowncooking #iwashopingforleftovers
Sunrise, frozen edition. #winter #winterinyyc #staywarm #iceflowers #frozenflowers #iceflowersonmywindow #nofilter
And if you look closely you'll see a frozen rainbow #winterinyyc #winter #staywarm #frozennosehair #nofilter
It may be cold but the steam sure makes it an interesting sunrise. #winterinyyc #winter #staywarm #frozennosehair
It may be a wee bit cold outside but I do have a soft spot for the frozen flowers that show up on my windows at this time of year. #winter #winterinyyc #staywarm