Feb 13: Not everything is going so smoothly this time. A phone screen and a hardwood floor are not compatible, at least not on a one-on-one basis. I managed to move my sim card to my tablet so I can get around and in touch with anyone I wanna see the next week.In other words this was the morning view at the place I was staying….#anneontheroad #london #travel #dailypic #notsodaily #2020
Feb 10: Same cute little place as in 2016. It's a work trip too so it feels a bit like I live here….#anneontheroad #travel #london #dailypic #2020
Feb 9: Final goodbye to the grumpy roommate and it looks like today's flight is a go. Yesterday's flight was cancelled due to Hurricane Ciara hitting the UK. That would have been a hell of a flight….#travel #hurricaneciara #catsofinstagram #cat
Feb 8: That moment when there is a plot twist and the Universe is gifting the grumpy roommate with 24 more hours of my presence. That's the face she made when I told her.Changed plans also mean you can go to the party you'd otherwise have missed. First karaoke and it was so much fun!…#karaoke #catsofinstagram #cat #travel #hurricaneciara #dailypic #2020
Feb 7: When you're getting ready for a trip and the gifts are the first thing packed….#priorities #travel #chocolate #anneontheroad #dailypic #2020
Feb 6: Second last night with the grumpy roommate. Her face reminds me of Brain from Pinky & the Brain. Her age and character are Sophia from the Golden Girls, though. First cat in my life that didn't warm up to me. It's more of a "Well, I guess you're really not going home." …#pictureitsicily1922 #grumpycat #goldengirls #catsofinstagram #cat #dailypic #2020
Feb 5: Dessert in the office: Banana Bread Pizza. That must come from the same person who came up with the word jello "salad". …#bananabreadisnotbreadbutcake #bananabread#dailypic #2020
Feb 3: The orchid at the office opened up over the weekend! …#orchid #orchids #orchidsofinstagram #plantsofinstagram #officeplants #officeplantsofinstagram #plants #dailypic #2020