Jan 22: Purple couch time. It was needed today. #knitting #knittersofinstagram #workbutdontforgettoplay #dailypic #2020
Jan 21: Some days are long and productive and yet, all you can show at the end of the day is your dinner because the rest is confidential. "Fridge circle call" omelet: mini bell pepper, sad cherry tomatoes, Polish sausage, avocado, pickled spicy peppers and mozza. It was as good as it looks.For tomorrow I should put some crafting time in my calendar….#goodthingilikewhatido #bookkeeping #bookkeepinglife #omelet #kuehlschrankrundruf #leftovers#dailypic #2020
Jan 20: Thrift store finds: A leather jacket in one of my favourite colours (matching the yarn of my WIPs) and a few craft books. All together for $34. …#secondhand #secondhandfashion #buyused #dailypic #2020
Jan 19: The very last piece of the 2019 Stollen. And look at those temperatures! Still a 3 but all by herself and no negativity! #lastchristmas #stollen #notwham #canadianheatwave #winterintheprairies #dailypic #2020
Jan 18: Oven roasted brussel sprouts and baby potatoes with a honey balsamic glaze. Probably my favourite way of having brussel sprouts. …#brusselsprouts #ovenroasted #veggies #latergram #dailypic #2020
Jan 17: When one of your favourite local musicians isn't so local anymore and goes live on FB instead you don't even have to leave the house for your Friday night kitchen party after a cold week like this. And the grumpy roommate is honouring me with her presence tonight too …#fridaynightkitchenparty #fridaynight #localmusic #onlinemusicislivetoo #eastcoastmusic #grumpycat #oldcat #shewantedcheese #nopenotforyou #iwannabelikeherwheniamold
Jan 16: This week I'm really grateful for sox knit by friends and the pair of mittens I inherited from my Grandpa. As for the handknit sox: I still have and use every single pair that I have been gifted in one way or another over the years, some more than a decade ago.#knitfastdiewarm #handknitsocks #knitting #knittersofinstagram #dailypic #2020
Jan 15: Some days start so early that you're glad that work calls are usually done without camera and no one sees that you didn't quite roll out of bed yet. There was coffee though. In other news: It's warming up. It will +3C or so by Monday. #butfirstcoffee #longdays #accountinglife #winterintheprairies #stillfrickincold #dailypic #2020
Jan 14: You know it's cold if you start checking the working temperatures even on the grease and go for the heavy duty one. This one is good to -73C. Now the door lock is as slick as the roads were today. But, warmer temps are just around the corner. My head is confirming that too by way of a migraine…#didhellfreezeoveryet #winterintheprairies #frickincold #wd40 #migrainessuck #migraine #chinook #dailypic #2020